Friday, October 15, 2010


This Sunday the AU Abroad program in Kenya is holding a picnic/barbecue for people associated with the program and all the students' internships.  For some reason I happen to be on the planning committee.  There are 16 of us students and each one of us has an internship, which means about 100 people will show up the barbecue.  Most Kenyans eat a lot of meat and drink a lot of beer.  I've asked around and some people have told me that we need six bottles of beer and at least two chickens per Kenyan.  The committee has stepped away from such hellish (and expensive-600USD for beer alone) estimates.  Now we're looking at around one bottle of beer and 1.25 pounds of meat per person.  We'll also have a lot of other foods at the barbecue.  In other words my free time for the weekend has already been eaten up by the time it has taken me to write this post (and it's a short one).
If you ask questions about Kenyan food, eating habits and anything else I'll answer them!

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